Professor, Nanjing University
Lab Name:
Pollutants biogeochemistry and environmental remediation
Developing and applying novel in situ sensing technologies (e.g. DGT and planar optodes, etc.) for environmental regulatory monitoring of metals, nutrients, and organics in water/soil/sediment.
Understanding the biogeochemical behavior of pollutants in micro-heterogeneous environments.
New methods for environmental pollution remediation and the application of DGT techniques in the environmental risk assessment.
Number of Participants
Prof. Jun Luo focuses on the novel development and application of the diffusive gradients in thin-films technique:
Application of multiple in-situ techniques (high-resolution DGT, planar optodes, and soil zymography) for investigating pollutant speciation and bioavailability in waters, soils, and sediments.
Published over 100 papers in peer reviewed journals with >3680 citations in recent years with an h-index of 36.
Associate Editor of the “Frontiers in Environmental Chemistry”.
What You Can Expect in the Project
Development and application of the DGT for measuring organics in water, soil and sediments.
Combining multiple high-resolution in situ techniques to understand the speciation transformation and mechanisms of arsenic in rice rhizosphere during field fertilization.
Specific work may include DGT preparation and performance test, rhizotron setup, deployment of DGT and planar optodes, sample analysis.