Professor, Nanjing University
Lab Name:
Climate dynamics
Global scale circulations of the atmosphere, mid-and-high latitude climate dynamics
Number of Participants
Yang Zhang is a professor and the head of the Department of Meteorology at Nanjing University, China. She earned her Ph.D. in atmospheric dynamics from Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 2009, and joined the faculty at Nanjing in the same year. The focus of her research is the fundamental dynamics of atmospheric circulations, including eddy-mean flow interactions in various climate variabilities and regional weather extremes, mechanisms of extratropical air-sea interactions and planetary waves connecting polar regions and midlatitudes. She now serves as an associate editor of the Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, Journal of Climate, and co-editor of the EGU journal Weather and Climate Dynamics.
What You Can Expect in the Project
Data analysis regarding to the climate variability and climate change